USM Esports Team

Become part of our vibrant community.


Members Benefits

Events & Activities

Be the first to know about what we have planned and add our group calendar to your schedule.

Esports Room

Get access to our room with state of the art Gaming PCs.

Advanced Energy Drinks

Use code "HuskyEsports" to save 20% off all products. Thanks again Advanced for letting us become an Advanced University!

Our Team

Michael Brown Profile

Michael Brown

Austin Levesque Profile

Austin Levesque

Jake Shaw Profile

Jake Shaw

Sam Roy Profile

Sam Roy

Events Coordinator

A small look into the Esports Room in Bailey 322

Thanks to the works of the USM Foundation and the very generous donation of $750,000 by Town & Country FCU as announced in the January 31st press event. We'd like to once again show our gratitude to our donors as we continue to grow as not only as competitors but also students at USM.